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Federal Screen Products is a custom manufacturer and fabricator of wedge wire screen with almost 25 years of experience delivering high-quality products, competitive pricing and unmatched customer service.
We are a leading global supplier of communications and security products, electrical and electronic wire and cable, fasteners and other small components. We help customers specify solutions and make informed purchasing decisions around technologies, applications and relevant standards.
Concord Screen is a manufacturer and designer of Wedge Wire Screen products. Fabricating in North America, Concord Screen manufactures and ships product around the globe. Our employees combine many years of experience in the design and fabrication industry. When dealing with our professional sales staff you can expect to find friendly...
Learn More ECS Electrical Cable Supply Ltd. (ECS), established in 1984, is the largest independently owned distributor of wire and cable products and solutions in Canada; with a focus on the specialty markets.
Gerard Daniel Worldwide is the largest supplier of stainless steel wire cloth to the Filtration, Aerospace, Automotive & Electronic industries
Lincoln Electric’s tradition of innovative solutions, technological leadership and commitment to customers, employees, and shareholders stems from the vision of its founder, John C. Lincoln and his brother, James F. Lincoln.
Noramco is one of the largest distributors of electrical, electronic, datacom, fiber optic cable, cable accessories and wire in Canada.
IME Limited (short for Temiskaming Industrial Mining Equipment Limited) is a manufacturer and global distributor of consumable products to the mining, drilling and industrial sectors
Unalloy-IWRC is one of Canada’s leading wire rope and rigging companies. We specialize in high performance solutions that lower customer operating costs and increase productivity. With full service locations located strategically across Canada and a team of industry leading specialists, we are uniquely positioned to support customer...